Archive for the ‘2010’ Category

Your Mum’s Outta Time ’09 Misstapes.

January 12, 2010

Since when did I look like I wasn’t in the business of making epics for you?

109 joints to kiss ’09 farewell, across 3 track-packs. (Admittedly I’m 2 weeks late, but music is love, love takes time.)

Comprised of:

-Songs lying around from last year’s mixtape potentials folders that I never got to put out (hence the coinage ‘MISStape’- witty enough?)

-Tracks collated from mid-November to the very end of December since my last drop.

-The odd uber-random gem from the Noughties here n’ there as a nod to this bygone era (I was going through some vintage folders from my teen years, never one to be stingy, i.e. unreleased Jaylib joint ‘Follow Me’, hard to find rarity fo’ ya).

Usually leave these alphabetical, but this time spent 3 and half weeks arranging & re-arranging (so thematically & sonically I’ve moulded these editions to be about love & time, whilst you should still be able to dance spastically or vibe sweetly or have the sexy sex or thug out a wee bit or just cry to it). So, honour Your Mum, listen to that sh*t in order please.

By the end of Feb or early March, I’ll have the next one/s ready. Aight my lovers?



—> Click To Downy Here <—

Your Mum’s Outta Time ’09 Misstape Part 1:



—> Click To Downy Here <—

Your Mum’s Outta Time ’09 Misstape Part 2:



—> Click To Downy Here <—

Your Mum’s Outta Time ’09 Misstape Part 3:
